Justice League - All the Sexy Supers Brought the Sexy to Hall H!

Justice League - All the Sexy Supers Brought the Sexy to Hall H!

HUGE gallery below thanks to our official Kid-Free Weekend / Pod of Thrones photographer, Emese.  Get your eyes ready for a feast as you scroll down!  There's plenty more of her work on this blog, but you can also find even MORE amazing photos on her sites:

Some highlights from the panel:

  • Ben Affleck tries to calm the rumors of him leaving the franchise, saying, "Let me be clear, I am the luckiest guy in the world...Batman is the coolest fucking character in the whole fucking world!"
  • Jason Momoa on Aquaman's role on the team, "He feels separated. He's hurt. He's sensitive. He's a big onion and we're slowly peeling it away. Inside, he's a big teddy bear... He comes through and joins the League and it's the best thing that's ever happened to him."
  • Ray Fisher on the group coming together, "All these characters come together despite their personal issues. They use their circumstances to save the world."
  • From a solo Aquaman trailer, Jason Momoa reveals that a large underwater fleet we saw belonged to Arthur Curry's brother - Ocean Master!

They had more to say, but they're so gosh darn pretty, it's distracting!  Just enjoy this vast gallery of gorgeousness!

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