Westworld - Vanishing Point - Ignorance in the age of Complexity
By: Brenna Gonzalez │@Brennagonzalez5
[Editor’s Note: This review contains spoilers for “Westworld” Season 2, Episode 9, “Vanishing Point”- If you haven’t seen it then prepare to be confused. And if you have seen it…. prepare to be confused.]
“What’s the use of surviving if we’ve become as bad as them?”
RIP, my sweet sweet boy.
It would be considered insulting if I didn’t outright address the tragic nature of this entire episode. Actually, thinking more about that, I believe just this entire show, in general, to be tragic. Have there been any heartwarming moments? I, for one, am not entirely sure. Am I okay with that? I think so. At the same time, though, I find it rather difficult to really get excited to be punched in the face with depression for an hour (even longer if you count the 2 hours staring at the wall after the credits roll), even if that depression stems from some of the best quality entertainment out there.
In this week's ultra-f**ked episode titled “Vanishing Point” we are treated to multiple contained, linear, narratives, rather than a monumental build-up of suspense one would expect from a season finale predecessor.
Teddy finally hit his breaking point which in turn created Dolores’ breaking point, more techy malfunctions and penetrable network issues, and some more family issues rounded out the plot of the episode. For some storylines so heavy, I have to say I thought it was all quite entertaining. I am, however, left with a couple thoughts regarding everything as a whole but mainly in what sort of direction the season finale may take us.
Am I the only one who was thrown off at the reveal of an even more powerful cradle? I still am not entirely sure as to what that was all about but all I do know is the fact that maybe we should be worried about it? I mean the cradle was this huge deal in the majority of the season and then they just decided to drop a bomb like the fact that there was something created that is- EVEN.BIGGER.THAN.THE.CRADLE??? What?
In the vain of the “hold-up, what?” moment the writers either intentionally skipped over the details of whatever this device thingy is or they were just lazy and wanted shock value for their new and improved plot device.
Am I curious? Yes. Am I maybe a little too confused? You betcha.
Williams backstory has always been a draw to me mainly because as a character he just never made sense to me? His change in morals was so forced in my opinion but that also stemmed from the incredibly large amount of time missing from his arc. As we learned, humans are complex without a means of understanding what really draws anyone to do anything. So, that being said where I saw hesitation in him going from the good guy next door to Dolores’s girl next door, I can see where people can change. In a world that is so bleak and filled with all your dark desires, I’m sure that change from good to bad happens rapidly.
Well because this is HBO and this is a dystopian Sci-Fi drama we obviously had to have a suicide in one of the main characters families. Old man Bill's wife was the unfortunate victim of alcoholism and a distant husband too focused on his perfect hosts than the real life he had waiting for him outside the park he spent his free time.
His wife had issues too, but seeing his recorded experiences throughout his time at the park would have taken a huge toll on any housewife. Think of it like seeing all the dark shit that your significant other does and thinks about at all times, but this time he got to live out those fantasies and decided to just kill and rape innocent people for pleasure. Yeah, the chances of not having a severe meltdown are slim.
Oh god, this is painful to acknowledge. My love for James Marsden and his good guy complex is saddened by his untimely departure from this series (unless they do some weird tech stuff and bring him back to life again). Of course, it had to be in a gruesome way, Teddy was so messed up after Dolores manipulated him more than anyone could really even fathom. I'm glad that he wasn’t just her puppet anymore, he was still himself but he was just unstable. Aware of his actions, but unable to stop himself from really resisting the urge to follow his newfound violent urges.
If there is any way to make a lasting impact on the one who you not only loved but on the one who wronged you, it is to give a monologue about how messed up humanity is and how cruel you must be to stoop down to their level.
Dolores is ignorant where she needs to remain poised. How could she not see this coming? Teddy was built to be a sweet sweet guy so why did she think turning him into a killing machine wouldn't have any repercussions in the future? she was the one who made him have complete consciousness for god's sake. I understand where she could have missed it though as when you have a guy like that it is easy to look at them with rose-colored glasses.
Still, Dolores, you need to be more careful next time, you’re smarter than this. In a game of love and war, love will always deceive you.